Quote of the Day

Friday, November 02, 2007

Hairy Tale

I woke up in the morning scratching my head. It was so itchy and the scratching was soothing. It was only after a while I noticed white tiny flakes on my dark blue T shirt.. Dandruff!! It was just like in those shampoo ads which so far I thought was just an exaggeration. I had to see it to believe it. I was big headed that all along I was thinking that, unlike many other people I knew, I never had this and will never ever have it but I was wrong. Hair falling has been a concern for a long time and to add to this now.. another problem Dandruff. The long hours of working with computers, compromising health, is slowly taking its toll on me. Now that its in.. I'm gonna have big trouble for the rest of my life.

I'm going to start a home medication that my mom has told me. To start off with I went to the barber in the morning to have a real close hair cut. Well choice to have a close hair cut was of my own as I think a big burden is taken off your head and you can concentrate more on the goal you wish to pursue. I'm influenced by the Buddhist and Army men. Infact the kind of hair cut I had today was one like that of a Buddhist Monk... An electric clipper with 3 Inch blade was used. Visibly all part of the head now has equal hair length. It was agonizing to see flocks of hair fall on the floor. As the barber was doing my hair I could imagine a strange similarity to a gardener mowing his field!! With the hair gone I decided to remove my one month old well grown beard too. It took me one full hour to have it removed. And the result.. a new look. Now I only hope people don't have trouble recognizing me at the Immigration Office as I'm going to Singapore next week :)

Listen to this audio.. it was sent to me by a friend in one his usual forwards. I found this interesting. Amazing Virtual Experience in Sound. Its Binaural recording… Use Stereo Headphones only.