Ice.. Coffee and Me
You would hardly call me a coffee drinker untill the beginning of this year. Though I was haunted by the smell and flavour of coffee I had resisted the temptation for 24yrs. Not after the beginnening of this year. My affair with coffee started when I started taking frequent breaks after I put in my papers in the previous company. From milk my liking drifted to coffee. On seeing me the guy at the pantry would instantly know I'd ask for 'Coffee... with extra sugar!!' The affair is only getting more intimate in Kuala Lumpur. I started tasting different blends of coffee here. Having tried almost everything from Cappuccino to Espresso on the office vending machine list, I'm experimenting my own coffee making for the last few weeks. In addition to the vending machine, which gives instant coffee of different flavours, we have separate containers or tins of creamer, sugar and coffee for people to make their own coffee to suit their taste. So far I have been thinking it was heat that was needed to transfer the flavour of coffee to water. I think it is a wrong assumption. I found that when I tried preparing cold coffee at office. I just loved what I made today. First I made a normal hot coffee with my usuall recipe. I think it was just about perfect!! I decided to try something more with this. A cold Coffee!! It was geniunly the best coffee I have ever had so far! I'm sharing the recipe.
1. Add 1 1/2 to 2 tablespoons of dark-roasted ground coffee. Anything more in my opinion would make the coffee to taste bitter.
2. Add 5 tablespoons of creamer (milk powder). This is a substituion to milk. The amount of creamer determines taste. This is not recommended for black coffee drinkers.
3. Add 4 to 5 tablespoons of sugar (Unfortunately I like all things sweeter and coffee is no exception to this. If you find it too sweet to handle then you can add sugar according to your preference)
4. Stir the mixture well. This will make all the three ingredients to mix well.
5. Add water of extremly high temperature (90 - 95 c) to this mixture.
6. The mixture would dissolve well in hot water. You might find lumps of creamer and coffee floating. Use a stirrer dissolve them.
5. Finally add 3 tablespoons of liquid creamer (eg. Nestle MilkMaid).
6. Fill another plastic/ paper cup with ice cubes and pour the hot coffee over them. I found adding ice cubes will dilute the coffee so refrigeration for 30 min would be a better choice.
Cold coffee can be enjoyed especially if the climate is hot. Coffee in general helps in keeping you alert and overcome fatigue instantly. Its heady flavour can easily get you addicted to it. A cup a day wouldn't do much harm I guess.
You would hardly call me a coffee drinker untill the beginning of this year. Though I was haunted by the smell and flavour of coffee I had resisted the temptation for 24yrs. Not after the beginnening of this year. My affair with coffee started when I started taking frequent breaks after I put in my papers in the previous company. From milk my liking drifted to coffee. On seeing me the guy at the pantry would instantly know I'd ask for 'Coffee... with extra sugar!!' The affair is only getting more intimate in Kuala Lumpur. I started tasting different blends of coffee here. Having tried almost everything from Cappuccino to Espresso on the office vending machine list, I'm experimenting my own coffee making for the last few weeks. In addition to the vending machine, which gives instant coffee of different flavours, we have separate containers or tins of creamer, sugar and coffee for people to make their own coffee to suit their taste. So far I have been thinking it was heat that was needed to transfer the flavour of coffee to water. I think it is a wrong assumption. I found that when I tried preparing cold coffee at office. I just loved what I made today. First I made a normal hot coffee with my usuall recipe. I think it was just about perfect!! I decided to try something more with this. A cold Coffee!! It was geniunly the best coffee I have ever had so far! I'm sharing the recipe.
1. Add 1 1/2 to 2 tablespoons of dark-roasted ground coffee. Anything more in my opinion would make the coffee to taste bitter.
2. Add 5 tablespoons of creamer (milk powder). This is a substituion to milk. The amount of creamer determines taste. This is not recommended for black coffee drinkers.
3. Add 4 to 5 tablespoons of sugar (Unfortunately I like all things sweeter and coffee is no exception to this. If you find it too sweet to handle then you can add sugar according to your preference)
4. Stir the mixture well. This will make all the three ingredients to mix well.
5. Add water of extremly high temperature (90 - 95 c) to this mixture.
6. The mixture would dissolve well in hot water. You might find lumps of creamer and coffee floating. Use a stirrer dissolve them.
5. Finally add 3 tablespoons of liquid creamer (eg. Nestle MilkMaid).
6. Fill another plastic/ paper cup with ice cubes and pour the hot coffee over them. I found adding ice cubes will dilute the coffee so refrigeration for 30 min would be a better choice.
Cold coffee can be enjoyed especially if the climate is hot. Coffee in general helps in keeping you alert and overcome fatigue instantly. Its heady flavour can easily get you addicted to it. A cup a day wouldn't do much harm I guess.