Quote of the Day

Monday, December 17, 2007

I'm Safe.. Dont Worry

This post is in response to the concerned hearts that wants to know how I'm doing in the wake of the latest protests in Malaysia. You have probably heard about the issue by now… Something that has, for the last 150 years, been a domestic issue is now gaining International audience. I'm talking about the fight for rights by ethinic Indian Community in Malaysia. Good friends have been so far calling or emailing to know if I'm OK amidst this chaos. Yes I am indeed!! There is nothing to worry for me (atleast for now) as the protests are for Malaysian Indians and not Indian expats like me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed as I fear the situation would get worse.

I thought it makes sense to talk about the history of this issue now. It dates back to Pre Independence days of Malaysia when the British rulers brought people from India to Malaysia as plantation workers. Malaysia is a multi racial country consisting of three major communities: the Malays (also called as Bumiputras), Chinese and Indians. After Independence many of the policies and quotas of the Government were designed to help the Malays improve their chances economically. Chinese dominated in trade as they were technically far ahead of the Malays and Indians. Indians became an oppressed community. The present protest by HINDRAF is for an amendment in policies and against the British Imperial rulers who ruled them earlier. They are demanding a whooping US $ 4 trillion. Unbelievable but true. Incase, like me, if you didnt know how many 0s this figure would have a simple calculation reveals that if this sum is paid then every single Malaysian Indian would become millionaires!! Whether the Indians would get this amount or not one thing for sure is that HINDRAF has made a mark. Looking at the time and manner in which the protest is made it looks to me like there is a political motive to it. On the other hand the ruling Government is trying its part to paint a picture that would make HINDRAF an exremist group. According to Government sources the HINDRAF group is believed to have terror links with LTTE another banned tamil extremist group in Sri Lanka. Last week the top 5 HINDRAF members were arrested under ISA. Untill the elections next year the situation will remain tense and I'm getting prepared for the worst if I may have to stay here till then.

Closing quote: Indians maybe a minority group but that does not make them a weak group. Lot needs to be done to change this mind set. A self change is required before seeking International court of Justice.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Road to Recovery

Its been a week since the blow and I'm 80% successful in restoring normality! The face is shaping up well as the swelling has almost reduced. The black bruise below te eye is changing color and there is very little pain now. But new side effects have started. Within two days after the blow my eyes started turning red. On Sunday night people started seeing a blood red spot on the left side of my left eye. Next morning it increased little more. It became quite evident as it was spreading on the white layer of the eye. It was the purest form of red I have seen. It was like blood stains on a white cloth. After not being convinced seeing a few general doctors I decided to see an eye specialist in one of the famous and sophesticated hospitals in KL named Pantai Medical Center. Unfortunately I was told that I cant use my Insurance card and that I had to pay and claim it later from ING. After a series of test the Optholmologist told me that there was no problem and only now I was convinced. My vision was good, no eye irritation, no double vision and no headache of any kind... but why the redness increased day by day? It was because of the rupture of blood vessels in the eye that was caused due to the impact of the blow which resulted in hemoragge. In medical terms it is called Subretinal Hemorrhage and in simple terms it is superficial bleeding in the eye. I was also asked to take X-Rays to make sure there wasn't any cracks on the cheek bone that would cause the fluid from the nose to pass through. I think I have this one quality that Julius Ceaser wanted his army men to have... LUCK. I narrowly escaped being hit on the nose or the eye. I was extremely fortunate to have no cracks on the bone.

I became an uncommon site on the the train or road. People stared at me and I didnt like their look. For this reason I started wearing shades. Again I was attracting unwanted attention as I was "cool..!!" wearing black shades at the desk while working. Every familiar Indian guy had a story to tell about his cricket injury! The worst was that of the guy at the local Punjabi Dhabha who had two of his front teeth broken half. I thought I was not the only one and why do I make a big fuss?!

Now I have been contemplating on leaving the sport I love the most to play. Not that I'm scared of another blow but the effect it will have. I have spent a lot on medications and tests. Two days of medical leave. Unwanted mental agony for both me and folks back home. Neverthless sports will be an integral part in my life. I have been thinking of taking up a less dangerous sport like Badminton which eventually is quite a popular sport in South East Asian countries.